HABIT: Moderate growing, full bodied evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 3-4 ft. tall and wide (when not pruned). -- HARDINESS: Hardy to -20 degrees F (USDA Zone 5). -- EXPOSURE: Full...
HABIT: Moderate growing, full bodied evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 3-4 ft. tall and wide (when not pruned). -- HARDINESS: Hardy to -20 degrees F (USDA Zone 5). -- EXPOSURE: Full...
HABIT: Moderate growing, full bodied evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 3-4 ft. tall and wide (when not pruned). -- HARDINESS: Hardy to -20 degrees F (USDA Zone 5). -- EXPOSURE: Full...
HABIT: Moderate growing, full bodied evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 3-4 ft. tall and wide (when not pruned). -- HARDINESS: Hardy to -20 degrees F (USDA Zone 5). -- EXPOSURE: Full...
HABIT: Moderate growing, full bodied evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 3-4 ft. tall and wide (when not pruned). -- HARDINESS: Hardy to -20 degrees F (USDA Zone 5). -- EXPOSURE: Full...