HABIT: Large columnar coniferous evergreen tree. -- SIZE: Grows 15’H x 6’W --HARDINESS: Hardy to -25°F (Zone 4) --EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION : Rich green foliage that will become a narrow pillar with layered fan-like branches.
Slow growing, dwarf conifer with shrubby, broadly spreading branches to about 3 to 5 feet tall with 6 to 10 foot spready. Hardy to about -40 degrees F. Full sun. Dark green needles. Mass planting, rock gardens, and grouped with...
HABIT: Evergreen conifer --SIZE: 12'-20' tall; 8'-12' wide in 20 yrs --HARDINESS: Hardy to -25*F --EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: Best in well drained soil. Non Flowering. Pink Fruit in Fall.
low growing, flat topped and densely branched coniferous evergreen to about 3 to 5 feet high and 5 to 6 feet wide. Hardy to about -40 degrees F. Full sun. Grafted. Bright powder blue needles. AKA Picea p. 'Globosa'
Slow to medium-growing, dense, pyramidal coniferous tree to 75 feet or more. Hardy to -50 degrees F. Full sun. Adapts to most western conditions. Gives pungent fragrance to garden in warm weather. Tolerates poor soil conditions.