Sage green and snowy-white foliage rimmed in pink or red with, tiny pink flowers bloom in June - July Low growing, hardy perennial groundcover for the front of the flower...
Short 5" - Plant 12" apart. zone 3-9. May be the best Sedum for a ground cover. Tight, overlapping blue-green leaves form ground hugging mats with many pink flowers.
Perennial (3-7 inches) Bronze foliage mats and clusters. Similar to an evergreen. Blooms during Summer with beautiful, bright, purple-red (violet) flowers. Excellent for hot sites in full sun and poor...
Has brilliant, needle-shaped, golden yellow foliage. Very vigorous mat-forming plant. Prefers well drained soil and to be kept on the dry side. It does well in a gritty soil or...
A favorite from Mexico, the long tendrils are made up of fat jelly-bean shaped "leaves". It grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. 6"-8" tall and will trail and...
Known as old man's bones because the small, round leaves are reminiscent of a ball joint. The flowers are yellow and appear in summer. It is native from California to...
Masses of pink flowers in summer to fall. Attractive cherry red succulent like foliage. Excellent as a groundcover or in containers. Drought tolerant once established.