HABIT: Deciduous; rounded upright globe shape --SIZE: 10'-15' tall --HARDINESS: Hardy to -15*F --EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: Bright yellow flowers around April. Edible scarlet fruit in early fall.
HABIT: Low and narrow -- SIZE: to 10 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -20 degrees F. (USDA Zone 5) -- EXPOSURE: Part Shade -- DESCRIPTION: White floral bracts. Leaves are grey/green...
HABIT: Conical, deciduous tree -- SIZE: 20 feet high &15 wide -- HARDINESS: 0 degrees F. -- EXPOSURE: Partial shade to sun -- LEAVES:Mid green, turn orange,red and purple in...
Decidous, upright tree form. Fast growing dogwood. Glossy green leaves exceptionally large white flowers. Summer flowers yield attractive strawberry-like fall fruit.
Decidous, upright tree form. Fast growing dogwood. Glossy green leaves exceptionally large white flowers. Summer flowers yield attractive strawberry-like fall fruit.
Abundance of 4-5" creamy white flowers create a showy display against its deep green foliage. Orange strawberry-like fruit in early fall, followed by a show of red fall color. Resistant...
HABIT: Vigorous low branching -- SIZE:up to 18 ft. -- HARDINESS: -- EXPOSURE: -- DESCRIPTION: White floral bractswith a tinge of green. Highly resistant to powdery mildew.
HABIT: Vigorous low branching -- SIZE:up to 18 ft. -- HARDINESS: -- EXPOSURE: -- DESCRIPTION: White floral bractswith a tinge of green. Highly resistant to powdery mildew.
HABIT:Vigorous erect and low branching -- SIZE:up to 18 ft. tall and wide -- HARDINESS: to -20 degrees F.(USDA Zone 5) -- EXPOSURE: Shade -- DESCRIPTION: Soft pink floral bracts...
HABIT:Deciduous tree -- SIZE:up to 20 ft.-- HARDINESS:to -30 degrees F. (USDA Zone 4) -- EXPOSURE:Full sun -- DESCRIPTION: Red flowers with a tinge of pink. Glossy green foliage and...
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
Enjoy more varities and extend your harvest all on one tree without the need of a pollinizer. Perfect for smaller gardens. Must prune to maintain growth of different varities.
HABIT: Deciduous tree -- SIZE: to 15 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -20 degrees F. (USDA Zone 5) -- EXPOSURE: Full sun/Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Trifoliate, alternate leaves are green with...
Bred in New Zealand, Vulcan has large (up to 10") stunning port wine blooms which cover the tree in early spring. These woody trees tolerate all but the coldest temperatures....
HABIT: Evergreen pyramidal tree -- SIZE: to 50 ft. -- HARDINESS: to 0 degrees F. (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Large glossy green leaves with orange...
Glossy evergreen foliage with an attractive cinnamon brown underneath. Large, creamy white, cupped flowers with a tropical fragrance. Sperical cone-like clusters appear after blooms have dropped.
HABIT: Evergreen pyramidal tree -- SIZE: to 35 ft. -- HARDINESS: to 0 degrees F. (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Large glossy green leaves with orange...
HABIT: Evergreen pyramidal tree --SIZE: 30'-35' tall; 15' wide --HARDINESS: Hardy to 10*F -- EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: Large glossy green leaves with orange undersides. Large flowers are fragrant and...
Moderate growing, very compact, narrow, evergreen shrub or smalll tree to about 20 to 25 feet. Hardy to about 0 degrees F, Full sun. Dark green foliage with rusty-brown underside....
HABIT: Evergreen tree/shrub -- SIZE: to 25 ft. -- HARDINESS: to 0 degrees F. (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Glossy green leaves with orange undersides. Large...
HABIT: Evergreen shrub to small tree -- SIZE: to 20 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -10 degrees F. (USDA Zone 6) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Glossy green leaves with...
HABIT: Evergreen shrub to small tree -- SIZE: to 20 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -10 degrees F. (USDA Zone 6) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Glossy green leaves with...
HABIT: Upright deciduous shrub/tree -- SIZE: to 20 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -20 degrees F. (USDA Zone 5) -- EXPOSURE: Full sun/Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Green leaves with white flowers...
HABIT: Upright deciduous shrub/tree -- SIZE: to 20 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -20 degrees F. (USDA Zone 5) -- EXPOSURE: Full sun/Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Green leaves with white flowers...
HABIT: Upright deciduous shrub/tree -- SIZE: to 20 ft. -- HARDINESS: to -20 degrees F. (USDA Zone 5) -- EXPOSURE: Full sun/Part shade -- DESCRIPTION: Green leaves with white flowers...
Upright, evergreen broadleaf tree. May be deciduous, but can be evergreen too. Flowers are creamy white, with a lemon scent. Blooms late spring to early fall.