An attractive groundcover for the shade with light green and white variegated leaves. Usually grown for its foliage. Excellent for that area where nothing else will grow. It can be...
Green, cream, and rose-purple variegated foliage. In mid to late spring, violet blue flowers appear above the low spreading foliage. It forms a tight habit
Vigorous, mat-forming groundcover has white, pink, rose and green foliage. Makes an ideal groundcover in areas where a lawn is not needed. Produces dainty, dark blue, 6" flower spikes in...
HABIT: Creeping evergreen groundcover -- SIZE;: To about 6" to 12" by 2' to 3" wide. -- HARDINESS: To about -40 degrees F. EXPOSSURE: Partial shade LEAVES: Dark Bronzy purple...
Brownish bronze and green leaves. Leaves are thin and long as compared to other Ajugas. 2" blue flower spikes in early spring. Spreads. Tolerates full sun with ample moisture. Needs...
Evergreen groundcover. Reddish-gray, peeling bark and small, dark green leaves (turning reddish brown in winter). White, heather-like flowers with a pink tinge appear in April-May. Flowers give rise to bright...
Slow growing, evergreen groundcover with light pink bell shaped flowers in spring. Scarlet red fruit in summer to fall. Foliage turns a beautiful bronzy red in winter. Drought tolerant once...
Low growing, spreading groundcover. Dark green foliage in the summer turns a bronze reddish color in the fall. White pink flower in spring. Bright red berries in late summer. Resistant...
HABIT: Trailing, evergreen groundcover --SIZE: 12"-24" in. tall; 3'-6' ft. wide --HARDINESS: Hardy to -15*F (USDA zone 5) --EXPOSURE: Full Sun to Light Shade --DESCRIPTION: has small, rich green leaves....
HABIT: Spreading, evergreen groundcover --SIZE: Fast growing to 10"-12" tall; 8'-10' spread --HARDINESS: Hardy to about -20*F --EXPOSURE: Full to partial sun --DESCRIPTION: Large bright green leaves turn gold to...
Low growing and durable, evergreen groundcover with attractive dark green foliage. Small white flowers in spring followed by red berries in fall. Excellent for erosion control. Drought tolerant once established.
HABIT: Dense, mat-forming evergreen groundcover --SIZE: Slow growing to 12"-18" tall; 6' spread --HARDINESS: Hardy to -20*F --EXPOSURE: Sun to Part Shade --DESCRIPTION: has bright green, oval leaves. White spring...
Prominent white veins stand out on the narrow, deep green leaves for an unusual appearance on this strong-growing groundcover. Dark green foliage with silvery white veins. Wolong is a mat-forming...
Fast spsreading, evergreen perennial to about 4 to 6 inches high and 12 to 20 inches wide. Hardy to about -50 degrees F. Full to partial sun. Easy to carre...
Compact, mat forming, evergreen. Fast growing to 6" T X 24"-30" W. Sun to Part Shade. Dark green glossy leaves. Large white flowers in spring. Bright red seedy fruit in...
Compact, bushy evergreen shrub. Nearly round glossy green leaves. White or pinkish bell shaped flowers on 6 inch stalks. Bland but edible fruit prized by birds.
An attractive groundcover for the shade with light green and white variegated leaves. Usually grown for its foliage. Excellent for that area where nothing else will grow. It can be...
Mat-forming, compact/spreading. Dark maroon-purple leaves with scalloped margins. Fragrant dark violet flowers. Prefers moist, humusy soils with good drainage.
Vigorous, mat-forming groundcover has white, pink, rose and green foliage. Makes an ideal groundcover in areas where a lawn is not needed. Produces dainty, dark blue, 6" flower spikes in...
Brownish bronze and green leaves. Leaves are thin and long as compared to other Ajugas. 2" blue flower spikes in early spring. Spreads. Tolerates full sun with ample moisture. Needs...
Black-burgundy, glossy leafed foliage will turn to a deep rich mahogany color and turns even darker and more lustrous during the winter months. Mahogany Bugleweeds display lovely bright blue flower...
Evergreen groundcover. Reddish-gray, peeling bark and small, dark green leaves (turning reddish brown in winter). White, heather-like flowers with a pink tinge appear in April-May. Flowers give rise to bright...
Low growing, spreading groundcover. Dark green foliage in the summer turns a bronze reddish color in the fall. White pink flower in spring. Bright red berries in late summer. Resistant...
Dainty, prostrate, low matting, climbing, evergreen shrub only a 6 inches high and 24 inches wide. Hardy to about -20 degrees F. Sun to partial shade. Shiny dark green leaves.
Prominent white veins stand out on the narrow, deep green leaves for an unusual appearance on this strong-growing groundcover. Dark green foliage with silvery white veins. Wolong is a mat-forming...
Fast spreading, evergreen perennial to about 4 to 6 inches high and 12 to 20 inches wide. Hardy to about -50 degrees F. Full to partial sun. Easy to care...
Compact, mat forming, evergreen. Fast growing to 6" T X 24"-30" W. Sun to Part Shade. Dark green glossy leaves. Large white flowers in spring. Bright red seedy fruit in...
A small-fruited, everbearing wild strawberry that is native to North America. White flowers appear throughout summer followed by edble bright red berries. 4"-8" Tall. Spreads indefinitely by runners. Full Sun...
Low growing evergreen to about 4 to 6 inches high and indefinite width. Hardy to about -20 degrees. Sun to partial shade. Dark green leaves with bright pink flowers from...
Low growing, stoloniferous evergreen perennial. Dark green leaves with 3 palmate leaflets. Bright pink flowers to about 1 inch appear from late spring to mid-summer. Rarely bears fruit.
HABIT: Low spreading, evergreen, perennial herb -- SIZE: 4 to 8 inch high; 12 to 14 inch apread -- HARDINESS: -40 to -30 degrees F. -- EXPOSURE: Shade to deep...
Low spreading plant has bright green foliage; evergreen in warm climates. Use as a wonderful groundcover. Pale yellow flowers have tufts of orange-yellow stamens. Hardy to -20* F.
Bearing tiny, bright yellow flowers, it creates a striking understory of round, golden foliage and, if planted at the edge of a pond, will reach into the water like rays...
Vigorous deciduous, creeping shrub or with slender shoots and rounded to violin-shaped, dark green leaves. Medium Water needs. A twining evergreen vine that can climb or clamber over any support.
Dense evergreen groundcover that is spread by underground rhizomes. Shiny dark green leaves with small white flowers in spring. More compact than specie.
Evergreen groundcover 6 to 10 inches high, spreading by runners. Hardy to about -30 degrees F. Shade to partial shade. Rich dark green leaves edged in white. (yellow in sun.)...
Evergreen groundcover 6 to 10 inches high, spreading by runners. Hardy to about -20 degrees F. Shade to partial shade. Rich dark green leaves (yellow in sun.) Plant 6 to...
HABIT: evergreen ground cover --SIZE: 4"-6" tall, 2'-3' spread --HARDINESS: Hardy to 0*F --EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: foilage turns burgandy in the fall. White flowers.
HABIT: Dense, compact, moss-like ground cover.--SIZE: Grows 1/2 in tall by 8 in or more wide. --HARDINESS: zones 4-6 --EXPOSURE: Full sun to Part Shade. --DESCRIPTION: golden green
HABIT: Perennilal --SIZE: 1"-2" tall; 6"-12" --HARDINESS: Hardy to -30*F --EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: forms a very low moss-like carpet of bright neon-yellow foliage. Tiny little white flowers begin to...
Has brilliant, needle-shaped, golden yellow foliage. Very vigorous mat-forming plant. Prefers well drained soil and to be kept on the dry side. It does well in a gritty soil or...