HABIT: Slow growing, spreading evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 10 ft. high and 6-8 ft. wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: Single,...
HABIT: Slow growing, spreading evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 10 ft. high and 6-8 ft. wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: Single,...
HABIT: pendulous, weeping growth habit. -- SIZE: 6-8 ft. high and wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: Glossy green foliage and...
Medium, compact, upright growing, evergreen shrub. Shades of rose, pink and white color these variegated, formal double flowers. Blooms mid/late spring.
HABIT: Evergreen --SIZE: 8'-10' high and wide --HARDINESS: Hardy to -0* F (USDA Zone 7) --EXPOSURE: Partial shade --DESCRIPTION: Shiny, dark green dense foliage. Flowers are a creamy yellow, anemone-shaped...
Peony to semi-double flowers of a clear bright pink accentuate the glossy dark-green foliage. Foliage will tolerate sun well. Prune to shape after bloom time.
Vigorous, compact, upright evergreen shrub. Bright red anemone form flowers that make a striking contrast against the glossy dark green backdrop of this shrub. Blooms in mid-spring.
HABIT: Spreading-arching evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 6-8 ft. high and wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: White peony shaped flowers in...
HABIT: Graceful, upright, evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 8-10 ft. high and wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: Large, exquisitely beautiful light...
HABIT: Graceful, upright, evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 8-10 ft. high and wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: Large, exquisitely beautiful light...
HABIT: Vigorous, compact, upright evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 6-8 ft. high and wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION:
HABIT: Vigorous, compact, upright evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: 6-8 ft. high and wide. -- HARDINESS: -0 degree F (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION:
Vigorous, upright to columnar growth. Leaves are leathery and glossy dark green. Flowers are bright pink, semi-double to full peony form, with wavy petal margins. Blooms from November through December.
HABIT: Upright, Evergreen Shrub --SIZE: 8-10 ft high & wide --HARDINESS: USDA Zone 7 --EXPOSURE: Full Shade to Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: Fall Blooming. Single violet-pink flowers bloom for about 6...
HABIT: Vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub. --SIZE: 6' high & wide. --HARDINESS: Hardy to -0* F. (USDA Zone 7) -- EXPOSURE: Part shade. -- DESCRIPTION: Luxuriant rich green foliage and bright...
Flat, bell-shaped blue flowers cover this floriferous groundcover growing 6-9" tall. Summer blooming in full sun or light shade. Excellent edging plant for a perennial border. Zone 3.
Flat, bell-shaped blue flowers cover this floriferous groundcover growing 6-9" tall. Summer blooming in full sun or light shade. Excellent edging plant for a perennial border. Zone 3.
HABIT: Prostrate , evergreen perennial -- SIZE: 4inch high; 20 inch spread -- HARDINESS; -30 degree F. -- EXPOSURE: Sun or part shade -- LEAVES: 1/2 inch, bright green --...
Tropical foliage with a fascination of colors. Foliage first emerges light burgundy and maturing to stripes of red, pink, yellow and green. Bright orange flowers from summer to fall. Excellent...
Mature, oval, deciduous tree reaches 35' by 25'. Dark green foliage turns yellow in fall. Heat and drought resistant and disease free. Hardy to -10* F.
HABIT: Deciduous; pyramidal --SIZE: 35'-45' tall; 25'-35' wide --HARDINESS: Hardy to -10*F --EXPOSURE: Full/Part Sun --DESCRIPTION: Dark green foliage turns yellow in fall. Heat and drought resistant and disease free.
Narrow/columnar form. Dark green summer foliage turning yellow in the fall. The narrowest of the Carpinus betulus cultivars. Prefers well-drained soil.
Herbaceous shrub. Foliage is a grey-green to silvery. Upright growth habit. Dies back to the ground most winters. Powder blue, fragrant flowers are borne in the fall.
Dark, evergreen leaves with masses of bright, cobalt blue flowers in summer. Prune after bloom time to desired height. May need winter protection . Drought tolerant once established. Will attract...
Evergreen groundcover with small holly-like green leaves. Attractive deep blue flowers in late spring. Performs well in coastal conditions. Will attract Bees and Butterflies.
Slow growing, pendulous evergreen conifer to as high as trained when young and 15 to 20 feet wide. Hardy to about -10* F. Prefers full sun. Branchlets display icy- blue...
HABIT: Slow to moderate growing, open branched, pyramidal evergreen conifer with spreading branches -- SIZE: 60 feet tall and 30 feet wide --HARDINESS: To about -10 degrees F, Zone 6....
Slow growing, pendulous evergreen conifer to as high as trained when young and 15 to 20 feet wide. Hardy to about -10* F. Prefers full sun. Branchlets display icy- blue...
HABIT: Evergreen, broadly pyramidal w/ pendulous graceful branches --SIZE: 20' tall; broader than high --HARDINESS: Hardy to -10*F --EXPOSURE: Full sun --DESCRIPTION: golden foliage. Takes pruning well. Makes an excellent...
HABIT: Evergreen, broadly pyramidal w/ pendulous graceful branches --SIZE: 20' tall; broader than high --HARDINESS: Hardy to -10*F --EXPOSURE: Full sun --DESCRIPTION: golden foliage. Takes pruning well. Makes an excellent...
HABIT: Dwarf mounding evergreen conifer -- SIZE: Grows to about 6 ft. high with 3 ft. Slow growing 3-6" annually --HARDINESS: To about -10* F (USDA Zone 6) --EXPOSURE: Full...