Slow to medium-growing, dense, pyramidal coniferous tree to 75 feet or more. Hardy to -50 degrees F. Full sun. Adapts to most western conditions. Gives pungent fragrance to garden in warm weather. Tolerates poor soil conditions.
Slow to moderate growing evergreen tree. Needles look twisted as you look in from buds. Grows about 12 to 16 inches per year. Widely used for bonsai and container plant.
Here is an excellent variety that is somewhat open. It will grow about 25 cm per year. The summer foliage is a nice refreshing light green but in the winter watchout! As the temperature drops the color turns a brilliant...
Mushroom shaped coniferous evergreen growing about 3 feet in 10 years. Hardy to about -20 degrees F. Full sun. Unique 2 needled pine with twisting leaves dark green held in a tight ball.
HABIT: Fast growing (3 feet in 1 year, when young)columnar, compact, upright branching conifer -- SIZE: To about 45 to 60 feet by 12 to 15 feet -- HARDINESS: To about -20 degrees F. -- EXPOSURE:Full sun -- LEAVES: Soft...