Strong to moderate growing, slender airy, upright, deciduous small tree to about 15 feet tall and wide. Hardy to about -20 degrees F. Best in filtered sun. Attractive foliage with...
Upright branching, broadly oval tree. Medium green leaf is deeply cut with five pointed lobes with long lasting orange-red fall colors. Fast growing. Best in full sun. Prefers well-drained soil.
Beautiful spring foliage emerges a golden chartreuse with orange red margins. In summer, leaves mature to green. Fall brings on shades of yellow to orange. Excellent for the smaller garden...
It is very similar to the Coral Bark Maple, Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku', but rather than just having bright coral bark it actually starts out with yellow on one side...
An upright deciduous tree with a broad form at maturity. New growth in spring is reddish-green, followed by yellow, orange and red in fall. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil....
Slow, compact growing, deciduous tree. Best in partial shade. New leaves are yellow-green that turns into golden tones. Tips of the leaves will often turn bright red in fall.
A small upright deciduous tree with a round canopy. At maturity the branches appear layered, hence the name. Small green leaves turn from yellow to orange in fall.
Rounded, upright form. 8' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. Rich purple-brown tones in the summer. Dark chocolate, with all the creamy depth of color you expect. Emerging bright...