HABIT: Low, densely branched eveergreen to semi evergreen shrub. -- SIZE: about 3 to 6 feet high and wide. -- HARDINESS: Hardy to about -10 degrees F.(USDA Zone 6) --...
Evergreen, gracefully arching shrub about 4 to 6 feet. Hardy to -10 degrees. Sun or partial shade. Bell-shaped lilac pink flowers all summer. Bronzy leaves in fall.
Low mounding rose with abundant single red flowers with brigth yellow stamens. Excellent when planted in mass. Low maintenance and highly disease resistant rose.
HABIT: Deciduous Shrub Rose. --SIZE: moderate grower 2'-3' tall & wide. --HARDINESS: (USDA zone 3-9). --EXPOSURE: Full Sun. --DESCRIPTION: Single pink flowers all season long. slight apple fragrance.